Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 030804

Malachi's Log: 030804 (monday)

This is only here for your amusement.

Well, it's been a while again. I guess the big news is that tomorrow is my last day at Willis. I'm moving to another company to do about the same kind of stuff. It was just time for a change, I think. I'm going to miss many of the people at work, and playing games at lunch, but I think this move will be for the best. I've had trouble getting the short-timer, I-don't-care attitude. I still want to fix things and make them better even though I know I won't be there anymore.

Last weekend I went down to Huntsville to visit Doug. William went as well. We played a lot of games. I enjoyed it very much.

Kimberly is almost done with summer term. That's good. I think she has done quite well.

That's about it for now. I need to change my calendar to August.

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Malachi B-J Brown