Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 030624

Malachi's Log: 030624 (tuesday)

See, it's days like this that remind me why I don't like people.

I went out to juggle tonight. I got there at 5:40. It was hot and sunny. I set up my stuff on the side that we've been on most of the summer, but no one else was there yet, and there was some shade on the other side of the parking lot, at the place where we used to meet. I moved my stuff over there.

Ten minutes later, Andy showed up. We practiced for a while.

At around six, someone else showed up to practice. She wanted to get ready for the Beethoven thing next weekend.

A couple more people, including Kimberly, trickled in over the next hour or so.

Sometime around 7:00, Mark shows up and sets up his stuff on the other side of the parking lot because he apparently didn't see us. When he finally realized we were there, he came over for a minute and asked if anyone wanted to come juggle with him on the other side. The zippo people had just shown up and they were lured over there to learn how juggle. Basically, everyone else migrated to the other side. Mark was supposedly worred that people wouldn't be able to find us.

We sat with Torgo for a while before finally leaving. I was tired and I didn't really feel like dragging my stuff back over there again just to juggle for ten minutes.


I just feel like people should show up on time if they want the world to pretend to revolve around them.

Andy and I juggled before the Beethoven concert on Sunday. Kimberly also came for the show. The concert was decent.

Saturday Kimberly and I went to the Mt. Juliet bluegrass festival. We didn't stay too long, but it was fun. Kimberly got a little sun burned.

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Malachi B-J Brown