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Malachi's Log: 030527 (tuesday)

I don't like to be touched.

It has been a long week, and it is just starting.

Last week I started looking for a new host for Kimberly's website because featureprice is pretty much dead. I'm currently looking at jatol. Probably going to go with that.

Went to Joey's wedding rehersal Friday. Went to the rehersal dinner. Drove home.

The next day, the wedding went okay. A bit too much god for me, personally, but it wasn't my wedding. I also have some general reservations about some of the wording. *shurg*

On the way back, I dropped off three of the tuxes and I got to play DDR for a minute... for free. This teenage girl that didn't know how to play tried it once and failed. Then she tried at again. I walked over and tried to help her understand the arrows. After the first song, she asked me to try the next one. I told her I wasn't good, but she wanted me to anyway. I didn't do well, but she was impressed that I could do it at all. Hopefull she got the idea. We left after that, but it was interesting to learn that the machine in Hickory Hollow has a version of The Reflex.

On Sunday I went to work for a few hours. Bleh. It didn't do much good. I also felt bad because several of the other guys spent twelve or so hours working on Sunday.

On Monday I went to work for a few hours... again. Bleh. I apparently missed the ohter guys by half an hour. It was supposed to be a holiday.

After that, I went to The Game Keep for board game night. We played Family Business, which I lost first. Very random card game. Things were going well for a while, then things went very poorly. Oh well. Then we played Medici. I did a lot of conservative bidding, but I still got second place out of it. Not too bad. Lastly we played Every Man for Himself (Rette Sich Wer Kann). I came in second place again. Not a big fan of that game. I don't see any plan that could consistantly win. It always seems rather silly and arbitrary.

Today was Tuesday. I made a little bit of progress at work, but it was mainly frustrating trying to get things working properly and failing.

After work I went with Andy to go juggle. Kym from work showed up and practiced a while. That was good. Mandy even showed up for a little bit and talked to Andy. Kimberly got there fairly late (not long before Kym and Mandy left). My four ball fountain is coming along nicely. I think I got around a hundred catches. Things were fine for me until I was trying to take some pictures of six people passing, and this older man (who I think is related to Rebel) said something to me. Apparently I had inadventerly blocked his shot. He was trying to record some video of the action. When I had looked that direction I had only seen a guy trying to juggle clubs. Basically, instead of asking me to move, he made some comment about the back of my head. I wasn't really paying attention to him and I didn't even realize he was talking to me until he said something about if I was going to be in his way could he put his camera on my sholder, then he proceded to do so. At that point I realized that he was trying to indicate to me that I was in his way. He told me that he thought I was very rude. I apologize several times, as I didn't realize he was even there (he was a good twenty or thirty yards away from the jugglers he was recording). In retrospect, I'm fairly irritated that he invaded my personal space instead of just asking me to please move out of his way. If I see him again, I plan to explain to him that, while I am sorry that I blocked his shot and that I didn't notice him, I think that it is very rude to intrude on the personal space of someone you don't know and that I would expect him to never do that again.

The more I think about this, the more annoyed and upset I get about it. I wouldn't like to offend Rebel and Jody, but then again, I don't really care all that much for them either way, and the certainly don't care about me.

I guess that's part of my problem. Juggle night, like board game night and just about everything else I do, has a few people that I like to talk to and spend time around and a bunch of people that I either don't care much for or that flat out annoy me in one way or another.

Anyway, things will only get worse before they get better.

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Malachi B-J Brown