Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 030111

Malachi's Log: 030111 (saturday)

Wow. I was really busy over the holidays. Went to the Ripley's Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies on Dec. 26 with my parents and grandmother. It was interesting. They pack a lot of stuff into a small amout of real estate. Saw some pretty fish* and pretty crabs*.

I got some new origami books. Origami Quilts by Tomoko Fuse and Origami to Astonish and Amuse by Jeremy Shafer. Mr. Shafer's origami story is very much like mine except that he persued it more avidly than I did. Perhaps that had something to do with he fact that he grew up in CA. He also juggles for money. I've made one quilt thing* so far. Interesting designs.

I've played a lot of board games lately. Kimberly got me Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Game off of ebay for Christmas. I got her Mystery Rummy Case #1: Jack the Ripper. After Christmas I picked up Through the Desert, Web of Power, and BANG!. All of them are fun and interesting. Kimberly plays Myster Rummy 1 and Through the Desert with me, but I tend to lose at those.

I am impressed by the level of community support provided by the designer of Web of Power. He has released a two player expansion, a multiplayer expansion, a free stand-alone card game version, and has plans to release new maps in the future. There is also an online version that can be played against three computer players.

Work as been totally nuts, but that's what happens when projects like this start. I worked until 6:30 or 7:00 almost every night this week.

* links to pictures I took

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Malachi B-J Brown