Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 021118

Malachi's Log: 021118 (monday)

Flew up to NYC for training this week. Our flight was an hour delayed do to windy conditions at LGA, but it was otherwise uneventful.

I thought we were going to die on the cab ride to the hotel. "Saul" didn't even know where 52 William Street was... he asked us for directions. The best description I have for the experience is Crazy Taxi.

I'm staying in PH2. Penthouse 2. Seems really small*, so I'm guessing they are just referring to the fact that the room is on the roof. The one crummy window slants so I can see down at all, and faces an office building. I get to watch the cleaning crew. Whoo.

One weird thing, I can not only pay to watch movies on demand in my room, but also select episodes of televison shows, like Friends. Weird.

Josh and I couldn't get ahold of Mark and Matt, so we wandered around for about an hour looking for somewhere to eat that was open and we could agree on. We eventually just went back to Bull Run, at the hotel. Named for the fact that we were staying about a block from the NYSE (which had ID checkpoints outside every entrance). I got some decent pasta.

While we were waiting for our food, Josh started to wonder if these two other guys eating there might be Mark and Matt. He walked by them to see if they were "speaking brittish". Turned out that they had wound up there after not hearing from us.

After dinner, we talked to them at the bar for a bit. They had flown in on Saturday, but htey didn't have much info on the class, like where it was going to be, so they were glad to see us.

Not much was open at around 9pm. This is NOT "the city that never sleeps".

* links to pictures I took

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Malachi B-J Brown