Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 021116

Malachi's Log: 021116 (saturday)

I've been sick and busy and stuff. Not that anyone reads this anyway.

Last night I had a really weird dream that I had gotten roped into personally cooking and delivering pizzas... for the mob. Kimberly helped some too, but this wasn't just any mob... this was a redneck mob. One of the kingpins was the ower of an acura dealership. All kinds of weirdness. I guess that's what I get for watching 10 minutes of Godfather II last night at Joey's.

On halloween we were going to have some people over and watch MST3K. I guess we did do that, but I spent most of my time trying to help Joey fix his car. Apparently the water pump seized and consequently broke the fan belt. Of course, we had to figure all of that out in the reverse order as we tried to fix it by replacing the fan belt and it started to smoke as it rubbed against the broken water pump. He had to, eventually, get it towed. Bummer.

Last weekend was Kimberly's birthday. I guess it was kind of crummy because I was still sick, but we watched The Thorn Birds and stuff.

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Malachi B-J Brown