Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 020901

Malachi's Log: 020901 (sunday)

I don't journal as well as Krishnamurti did.

Doug came up yesterday. We stopped by CompUSA to get a hub or switch for his father. I'm amazed that you can get a 5 port 10/100 switch for only 30$ now. We also stopped by Barnes and Noble since we were over at Cool Springs. On the way back we stopped by The Game Keep to look around. I got Devil Bunny Hates the Earth. They had a copy of Settlers of Canaan. I find that game to be weird and wrong.

Doug cooked some Indian food (which was very good) and I baked some chocolate chip cookies.

We watched two episodes of The Prisoner and played some Go, Lord of the Rings, Lost Cities (which I had just gotten), and Girl Genius: The Works.

Lord of the Rings still seems too hard for two players.

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Malachi B-J Brown