Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 020801

Malachi's Log: 020801 (thursday)

Sunday Doug, Shannon, and I went to Radnor Lake and hiked the longest combination of trails that will make a single loop around the park. Around five miles, two of which were "strenuous" (stairs). It was fun, but I apparently stepped in a nest of ticks and my legs ended up crawling with tiny ticks (the size of the head of a pin). I have around one hundred inflamed little bites from that, and they all itch terribly.

It rained on us a little, but not much. Some people gave us complementary Red Bull drinks. Very odd. Reminded me of Nitro.

We saw a few deer and a small toad. A few other critters were heard or seen out of the corner of the eye, but they hid rather quickly.

We went back to my place afterwards and decided to eat at Tabouli's after much discussion. It wasn't as good as usual for me. *shurg*

I've been working a lot lately. I was in training last week (and next week). Writing a lot of stuff in vbscript. Crude, but it gets the job done.

Dar came down to visit for a few days last week. She ended up doing a lot of yard work. Trimming the shrubs and such.

I also played Mage on Saturday. It was fun. I think some of the other players are starting to have a better grasp of the system. I need to reread some of the rules, though.

I finished Cryptonomicon. Very good book. I would rate it slightly above Snow Crash in terms of Stephenson's work. The style also reminded me of the Illuminatus trilogy. I hope he completes one of the sequel/prequel books relatively soon... and I hope it doesn't turn into a cash cow series like Ender's Game. (I think that the shadow books are just a weak attempt to milk the series and are very flat in comparison to the original series.)

I rented Hardboiled tonight. I figured I'd watch it because Kimberly is out of town and she has no interest in seeing it. Andy came over and watched it with me. It was pretty good, if a little tricky to follow with the dubbing sometimes. Considering the budget and the time it was made, it was rather impressive.

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Malachi B-J Brown