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Malachi's Log: 020410 (wednesday)

Well, what can I say?

Things are pretty much normal.

Joey got a job. Yeah!

My parents came down to visit on easter, and we ate at Sole Mio. It was good, but my Penne Mama Rosa wasn't quite as tasty as usual.

Still waiting on a project at work, but I had my performance review yesterday and I'm doing fairly well. Mostly threes (average) with several fours and a couple fives. Only one 2, but it's not something I'm concerned about. (read: it's not something I can directly control.) You know, I've been working at the same place for three years. It doesn't seem like that long.

The whole project thing is tedious. They keep having week after week after month after month about these big project plans they have, but they have yet to get around to deciding what they want done. I'm guessing that when they do they'll want more than we can do sooner than we can do it, but I guess it's always like that. Wait, wait, wait, rush, rush, rush.

Last Saturday and Sunday Kimberly had to "man" the Birth Center's table at a baby show thing at Babies R Us. I went with her Saturday to keep her company. It was pretty dry since we were there from 9-noon. She had to go back Sunday, but she absolved me from going with her.

I would have gone hiking, but since I had planned to stay in Nashville Sunday (to keep Kimberly company) I didn't do the things I needed to have done in order to be able to be gone all day Sunday. I ended up going with Tempest to The Game Keep and playing some Ricochet Robot and Go. They are supposed to have a board game club of sorts that meets, but the two times we've gone it's been pretty sparse, so we'll probably just plan to get together some other time.

We're having a LAN party soon, and I'm rather excited about it, but I'm afraid it won't turn out well because of differing interests. That makes me sad. How I long for the "good old days".

Yesterday, when I got home, I found that the radio fence isn't working. Apparently there is a break in the wire, but I didn't have enough spare wire to test it. I'll have to go get some, probably this weekend. Luckily, Torgo doesn't really understand the fence idea, so he doesn't try to leave the yard.

It won't do To dream of caramel To think of cinnamon And long for you. -- Suzanne Vega

The yard needs to be mowed. I still haven't gotten the lawn mower from the guy at work yet. Hopefully tomorrow...

Kimberly and I have been making our own pizzas lately. I usually put jalapenos on mine, but last night I bought some pineapple. It was a nice change of pace. I hadn't been happy with the way the crust turned out, soft and spongey, but last night I (finally) got around to trying the baking stone. Yeah, I know, I've had it for years and I'm just getting around to trying it out. Shame on me. The results were very pleasing, however, and I plan to use it exclusivly in the future, but I don't have a peel. That makes it rather challenging to get the pizza onto the stone. There are also many different, often conflicting, care and feeding instructions for baking stones.

I also made another batch of cookies last night. Chocolate chunk with pecans. They turned out pretty well. Not quite as soft as the last two batches. I didn't add any maple syrup this time. They aren't hard, though, and that's good.

Saturday, after the deal at Babies R Us, Joey, Kimberly, and I went to the Macaroni Grill for lunch and then to the mall for a bit. Joey didn't find the shorts he wanted, but he found some uber cheap pants that he'll probably make into cutoffs. At Software, Etc. we saw a copy of Shenmue 2 imported from europe. It was $60, and I didn't get it because I'm not sure I'd ever get around to playing it. But the fact that they had it at all is really cool (since they never released it in the US because they decided to release it as an X-Box exclusive title... six months from now [which is six months after the euro release for the Dreamcast]... stupid). I almost bought Street Fighter II Turbo Revival for the GBA, but they were sold out. =( Joey did spot a $10 copy of Oni (made by the ill fated Bungie), that I promply snatched up. It's a pretty neat game, but it assumes a few too many things. There aren't many config options and the only way to change the key bindings is to edit an txt file manually. You also can't choose to save, as far as I can tell. Saving happens automatically at certain points in the game. Bleh.

I've started playing bzflag. It's really cool. It's also free. =)

I hate searching for information about something on Google only to get page after page of links to places that want to sell me one of them.

We've been watching a lot of Iron Chef on Food TV. Hopefully, now that they're done with "The Rise of Morimoto", they will start showing some of the other chefs' battles.

Now that it's spring, and juggle night should be in the park, we might start going again. I wonder if anyone else will start showing up.

I find sorting algorithm demos to be fascinating.

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Malachi B-J Brown