Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 020310

Malachi's Log: 020310 (sunday)

Last night I dreamed that I was at the house I grew up in, but it was in the US southwest. It was just after Christmas and I was trying to get some stuff from around the house. Something about a small river near the house, but I'm not sure exactly what that was all about. I was driving the '61 falcon, and I called a tow truck to take it to get fixed up before trying to drive it home. While I was doing that, Joey's Julie showed up just walking up the driveway. So I put her stuff in the car. Before I could go back to get the last box (really a laundry basket full of random stuff [much like the one we just moved from the apartment]), the house exploded.

We finally started the trip back to Tennessee, but we hadn't gotten too far before we met up with Kimberly, Doug, Joey, and maybe a few other people. We got involved in some kind of animal race circuit. The current stop, which I think was somewhere in Texas, was the earthworm race. I gave Kimberly an earthworm to race. We talked to some guy that had a bunch of black worms he was planning on entering. He gave us some food for our worm, and Kimberly put it in her shirt pocket with his head sticking out. As we went to find our seats in the huge arena, the worm started talking to me. Joey could hear it to. It kept freaking me out, but then I woke up.

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Malachi B-J Brown