Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 020216

Malachi's Log: 020216 (saturday)

Blah. Comcast gets dumber by the day... and my DSL modem hasn't shown up yet.

I just ordered some new equipment from newegg. Should be here some time next week. A new case, quiet 350 watt power supply, two adjustable speed fans, an athlon XP 1700+, an ECS K7S5A motherboard, and 512MB of DDR 2100 RAM for just under $500. Whee!

Kimberly got me all of the episodes of The Prisoner for V Day. (thank you)

Work has been... interesting lately. Working on yet another black ops project. Someone almost got in trouble getting me to work on it, but it's the kind of small thing that starts on monday and has to be done and working by thursday. I'd like to meet the genius that comes up with these kinds of schedules.

We got a radio fence for Torgo today. We'll probably start the fun job of training next weekend. He shouldn't be hard to train, though. He's a little chicken dog.

Last night I had this weird dream. Basically it featured Faith (of Buffy and Angel fame) at my family thanksgiving (but at some house I've never been to). But it was the tortured and broken Faith from the Angel episode Sanctuary. Very strange.

I also recently got a Netgear 5 port 10/100 switch due to an error that Best Buy made on their web site. Total price for me was $25 and I'm waiting on a $10 rebate.

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Malachi B-J Brown