Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 020205

Malachi's Log: 020205 (tuesday)

Well, I'm a bad person and stuff for not keeping this thing at least a little up to date.

The upshot of that is the fact that there probably aren't any people that bother to come back here and check up on this page, so I'm safe for now.

I think I'll just ramble and then go to bed. Thanksgiving and Christmas were the usual drive around family fest events. I got some neat stuff that I can't think of right now. @home has died and Comcast is trying to convert everything over. That's not really going too well, in my opinion. Kimberly's laptop hard drive died (again). This time I replaced it with a 20GB IBM Travelstar. In the process I broke the keyboard, so now I'm going to replace that as soon as it comes in. I think the problem is heat related, so I'm looking into using Rain or CPU Idle to keep the temp down.

We got a house, and we moved in last weekend. Ugh. I hate moving. Before we moved, I got to drop cable to most of the rooms so things are nice and easy to network together. The move broke our cable modem, and we had to get it exchanged for a newer model. We had the old one for almost three years. I sent it back in the original box.

After Phreaknic 5 in November, I reformatted my hard drive and I've finally got most everything back to the state it was in before. Lately I've been having some stability issues, though, and I'm not sure why. *sigh*

My server room is blue. That pleases me.

There were some other things I wanted to say, but I can't think of them right now. bleh.

Oh, the version of my site is going away. *shurg*

I might try to get DSL service soon, and get rid of the cable modem. I just have a feeling that Comcast is going to drop the ball.

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Malachi B-J Brown