Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 011015

Malachi's Log: 011015 (monday)

Well, in the past week I've had major negative productivity... if you count Lines of Code as a valid metric. The control I've been working on has gone from over 6,500 lines of code to just over 4,000. I feel better about the quality, though. I just wish I had started writing it that way to begin with.

Got Soldier of Fortune up an running under Linux. It's a bit heavy on the gore, but it's fun. My biggest problem is that it limits the number of times that you can save. It basically gives you one save per level, but you can keep them if you don't use them. It gets quite frustating because I have trouble deciding when I should save, and often I have to start a level over just because I didn't save.

Saturday we ran around with Joey and then watched Bakshi's The Lord of the Rings movie.

Kimberly was very sick Sunday, so I stayed home to take care of her.

I've started working on my wishlist for those of you that care. (all one of you) :P

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Malachi B-J Brown