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Malachi's Log: 010913 (thursday)

Wow. It's been a while. Things have been kind of wacky lately for me personally. I'll try to just cover a lot of ground all at once.

A few weeks ago, since no one else showed up at juggle night, Andy and I went up to Love Circle Park and I got a few pictures of Nashville.
[panoramic picture of Nashville]

Last Sunday I went with Doug, Shannon, and Jody to Big South Fork Recreation Area. It was very pretty*. We hiked around 4.6 miles there and back again on the O&W bridge trail. On the trail we saw some weird fungus*.
[view of the Big South Fork river]

It's rather ironic that I was looking forward to September 11th because the date was going to mean a personal change for me. Of course, things got very strange. I don't have words to express the pain I feel about these events. I just hope that the United States government makes wise choices in the coming days. I have heard too many calls for violence, and too many stories of violence against innocent people who happened to be the "wrong" religion or ethnicity. The people of The United States need to take a long hard look at the way their government has dealt with other countries over the last few decades. I'm am afraid things will get worse before they get better.

I'm left wondering "What's next?" Both in terms of military action and in terms of future terrorist action. I'm afraid that both will end badly.

But, enough of that for today.

Last night there was a lot of cloud to cloud lightning. It was very strange, and far enough away to be silent. It lasted for at least four solid hours, and was pretty much localize over the (inactive) airport. At about midnight, Kimberly and I went out and watched it. I took several pictures. I've never seen that much lightning at one time and for that long.

[lightning picture 1] [lightning picture 2]
[lightning picture 3] [lightning picture 4]
[lightning picture 5]

* links to pictures I took

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Malachi B-J Brown