Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 010818

Malachi's Log: 010818 (saturday)

Kimberly's been away at a birth. *sigh*

William, Abby, Carl, Joey and I went to dinner at the Olive Garden last night. William was up here because he flew out of town today. After we ate, Joey, William and I went back to Joey's place and watched Spaceballs. I hadn't seen it since it was in theaters.

Shannon, Doug, Joey, Jody, and I got together and watched Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Dogma, so we could catch up before Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back comes out.

I had seen Dogma and Clerks before. I tought Mallrats was amusing and Chasing Amy was depressing. Both were worth watching, though. I only got through the first half of Dogma before forces beyond my control forced me elsewhere.

Kimberly was attacked by the local feral domestic cat. Actually, what I understand is that the cat attacked Torgo (again) and when Kimberly tried to defend him, the cat scratched and bit her. So, we took a trip to the Vanderbilt ER so she could get a tetanus shot and some antibiotics. My favorite way to spend a saturday night. At least she's okay.

Animal control is supposed to pick up the cat and test it for rabies, but I don't know if that has happened yet.

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Malachi B-J Brown