Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 010816

Malachi's Log: 010816 (thursday)

William and I saw Bela Fleck and the Flecktones and Keb' Mo' at Riverfront Park. Overall it was a decent show. I even saw Wendell Norman again. I also saw several people from church there.

I did have a few issues though.

While Keb' Mo' was playing, people kept filtering in, and two people sat in front of us, just down the hill. That was fine. They were sitting on a blanket. The girl had a DMB tat. Fine.

A little while later I look down, and there are four of them. Several with phish shirts on.

Later, there are eight of them. That's when I started to get worried.

Not much later, six more show up, to bring the running total to 14. Most of them are smoking and drinking beer.

I never got a firm count after that. They were all sitting down until Bela came out, and then they all stood for the rest of the show, blocking our view until we moved. To add insult to injury, they spent most of the time talking to each other instead of watching the show. Apparently concerts are first and formost social events for the kids these days. I feel like I'm getting old.

After doing a little research, it appears that I'm not the only one.

I thought that Bela wasn't quite in top shape, but he did a nice solo Bach piece (I think it was a violin partita). I also realized tonight that I prefer Bela's solo stuff and the Flecktones early stuff better than the new Flecktones music. Ah well, that's okay.

We were pretty lucky with the weather. It was pouring down rain at 5pm, but it had cleared up and stayed nice for the rest of the evening.

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Malachi B-J Brown