Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 010721

Malachi's Log: 010721 (saturday)

Kimberly had to leave in the wee hours of the morning for a birth. That means that Torgo woke me up at 6:00am and I didn't really get back to sleep.

Doug, William, Joey, and I went to the NAMM summer session for a few hours. I got to be "Jim Grainger". The show was decent, but for the most part it was the same stuff they have every year. The eBay booth was new, though. That was unexpected.

We had lunch at Sole Mio, which was good, as usual, and something new for Doug, Joey, and William.

Someone brought up The Score as a movie that we might all enjoy. We stopped by Hollywood 27 to check for showtimes, and then went to Grimey's, a quaint and tightly packed used record and CD store nearby to kill the hour before the next showing.

I got four CDs, which is odd because the other guys didn't get anything and usually the situation is reversed. They had several albums on the Water Lily Acoustics label that I just had to get. I almost never see that stuff in a real store, and it's very nice music. I got Burbon & Rosewater (V.M. Bhatt/Jerry Douglas), Mumtaz Mahal (N. Ravikiran/Taj Mahal/V.M.Bhatt), Saltanah (Simon Shaheen/V.M. Bhatt), and The Bluegrass Album Band's Bluegrass Instrumentals: Volume 6.

We went back and watch the movie, which was really good, except for the fact that about two thirds of the way through it got messed up and we had to wait a few minutes for them to get it going again. Very well made movie and nicely acted.

After the movie we came back to my apartment and started watching The Way of the Gun just as Kimberly was walking in the door. Joey had picked it up on DVD Thursday. William and I hadn't seen it, but Joey and Doug had. It was pretty good, and fairly interesting, but the plot points were a bit overboard in a few places. Fun to watch, though.

After the movie was over, we all went out to the Chinese Garden Restaurant (or "Chinese Garden rant", if you believe the sign...). The food was good. I don't eat Chinese very often, so it was a nice diversion.

By then it was getting late so we all headed home. Kimberly had to head back to the birth in progress anyway.

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Malachi B-J Brown