Malachi's Homepage -> Malachi's Log -> 010518

Malachi's Log: 010518 (friday)

I've been thinking about thinking about feeling lately.

How do you know that how you are feeling is really how you are feeling and not just how you think you should feel or how you think you want to feel. Have you ever tried to control how you feel? Did it work?

If I focus, I can force myself to feel a certain way, but it takes effort and energy. If I do that, am I really feeling that way, or do I just think I feel that way? Does it matter?

this is your life
good to the last drop
doesn't get any better than this
this is your life and it's ending one minute at a time
only after disaster can we be resurrected
it's only after you've lost everything that you are
free to do anything
nothing is static
everything is evolving
everything is falling apart
-- Tyler Durden, Fight Club

People greive in different ways. I used to write poetry for a while. Really bad poetry... but it meant something to me at the time, which is what matters, I guess.

No, I won't dig it out and type it up for you to laugh at.

I think last week was the worst work week I've ever had.

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Malachi B-J Brown